Special Offer – WWETT Show Deals!

Apex CIPP Solutions Training Rooftop Lake Erie 480x480 1


We enjoy training teams on all of the products we carry and methods we endorse. Your training is custom-designed to be a valuable asset to your company and your customers.

Throughout your instructional time with us, we may take still photos and videos. These images may be utilized to help with education/marketing for our own team, affiliated teams, and/or our outreach programs. Please return this consent form (one for each participating member) prior to the start of your training.

From time to time, we may ask contractors (by invitation only) to participate in special projects, interviews, video creation, or industry-forward articles. Participants in these projects are required to return a consent form prior to the project start date so as not to delay publication.

Video/Image Consent Form

I hereby grant Apex CIPP Solutions (Apex) the irrevocable right and permission to use photographs and/or video recordings of me on websites and in publications, promotional flyers, educational materials, derivative works, or for any other similar purpose without compensation to me. 


I understand and agree that such photographs and/or video recordings of me may be placed on the Internet.  I also understand and agree that I may be identified by name and/or title in printed, Internet or broadcast information that might accompany the photographs and/or video recordings of me.  I waive the right to approve the final product.  I agree that all such portraits, pictures, photographs, video and audio recordings, and any reproductions thereof, and all plates, negatives, recording tape and digital files are and shall remain the property of Apex. 


I hereby release, acquit and forever discharge Apex, its current and former trustees, agents, officers and employees of the above-named entities from any and all claims, demands, rights, promises, damages and liabilities arising out of or in connection with the use or distribution of said photographs and/or video recordings, including but not limited to any claims for invasion of privacy, appropriation of likeness or defamation.


I hereby warrant that I am eighteen (18) years old or more and competent to contract in my own name or, if I am less than eighteen years old, that my parent or guardian has signed this release form below.  This release is binding on me and my heirs, assigns and personal representatives.


In lieu of a written signature, I hereby give my consent by submitting this electronic form.

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